did jephthah sacrifice his daughter
Sacrificing children was an abomination to God. His vow was made according to his zeal but not according to knowledge.
It would seem from this surface reading that Jephthah offered his daughter as a burnt sacrifice to fulfill his vow.

. Daughter Urges Jephthah To Fulfill His Vow The account of Jephthah and his daughter begins with his vow in Judges 1130-31. First I should mention that many people believe Jephthah did not actually sacrifice his daughter as a burnt offering. Lets look at the arguments supporting a no answer to whether or not Jephthah sacrificed his daughter. The most reasonable conclusion is that Jephthah did not sacrifice his daughter as a burnt offering.
This is why she mourned not the ending of her life but the loss of being able to marry. Jephthah made a vow to the Lord and said If You will indeed give the sons of Ammon into my hand then it shall be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the sons of Ammon it shall be the Lords and I. Jephthahs daughter his only child rushes out to meet him with timbrel and dance. The sacrifice of his daughter is the most natural way to interpret the text.
Judges 1130-40 ESV. The evidence suggests Jephthah respected God was a sane person and would have known God would be displeased read Deuteronomy 1231. Active 4 years 3 months ago. Jephthahs spiritual life was syncretistic.
Most of the correspondence has been very civil some have asked for clarification while others have steadfastly defended the idea that Jephthah merely dedicated his daughter to the Lords service in which she would live as a virgin all of her days. Since his daughter was mourning the fact that she would never marry instead of mourning that she was about to die Judges 1136-37 this possibly indicates that Jephthah gave her to the tabernacle as a servant instead of sacrificing her. That he would sacrifice his daughter and that God would not reprobate by one word of disapproval a human sacrifice is a theory incredible. In conclusion it appears that Jephthah following faulty human reasoning sacrificed his own daughter.
Did with her that jephthahs daughter was not sacrificed but only devoted to perpetual virginity appears. Religious life in Israel during the time of the judges was overwhelmingly dominated by syncretism. His daughters response to this argument is that the Patriarch Jacob also made a general vow. For also their sons and their daughters they would sacrifice in fire to their gods 3 Based on this idea many of the biblical commentators 4 maintain that Jephthah did not offer his daughter as a sacrifice.
Instead he consecrated her as a perpetual virgin in the service of the Lord. This is a minority opinion among scholars and is not viewed highly by most. And of all that You give me I will set aside a tithe for You Gen. I argued that I believe Jephthah did actually sacrifice his daughter to fulfill his rash vow.
The Bible does not explicitly state that Jephthah sacrificed his daughter as a burnt offering. Among apologists who believe that Jephthah did sacrifice his daughter it is not uncommon to argue that houses in Jephthahs time were surrounded by stockyards so that Jephthah probably expected one of his animals to be the first to come out to him. Adriane Bledstein offers a highly distinctive approach to interpreting the book of Judges. First such a sacrifice was contrary to the Mosaic law.
According to one explanation Jephthah actually offered his daughter as a burnt offering and by so doing placed himself in an evil light. This era was very corrupt and there is no reason to see Jephthah as substantially different than his contemporaries. The phrase translated as it will be Yehovahs and I will offer it up as a burnt offering comes from the Hebrew words Yehovah alah olah The word olah means rising ascending lifting up on. Ask Question Asked 10 years 5 months ago.
A Bloodless Sacrifice There is a second interpretation that asserts that Jephthah never committed human sacrifice but rather he dedicated his daughter over to the Lord as mentioned in Leviticus 271ff. Upon his repentance God forgave him and Jephthah will be resurrected to immortal life when Jesus Christ returns. Two elements in the story push me to think that he did not. One plausible explanation is that the biblical authorredactor sacrificed Jephthahs daughter in order to emphasise the extent of Jephthahs guilt without suggesting that his daughter was a mute puppet on the contrary that it was her who convicted him.
It is wrong to be critical of Jephthah for sacrificing his daughter and to ignore her statement in Judges 1136-37. The second view which assumes that Jephthah devoted his daughter to a life of celibacy frees him from the charge of offering her as a sacrifice. For every abomination to Gd which He hates they did to their gods. Jephthahs daughter is the victim of her fathers vow to sacrifice a person in return for victory in battle although the text does not explicitly state that he killed her.
Instead they believe that Jephthah gave his daughter in service to the Lord as a lifelong virgin. Syncretism is the combining of ideas and beliefs into one. Why Jephthah may not have Sacrificed his Daughter Jephthahs daughter returns two months later to her father and he fulfilled his vow Does that mean he sacrificed her. If Jephthah did sacrifice his daughter in order to fulfill his vow then it is obvious that God allowed him to kill his daughter and it is obvious that God allowed his daughter to give herself as a sacrifice.
2822 and although twelve sons were later born to him he did not sacrifice a single one of his offspring. Like Moses Jephthah spake unadvisedly with his lips but this does not touch his faith in what he had heard from God. But this argument also fails to convince Jephthah. This view notes how the text stresses that she remained a virgin not that she died.
Regarding the Canaanites Moses says. This fact should give us great comfort and hope. Furthermore the narrative is not clear about the purpose or the daughters knowledge and why no one else in the story including YHWH intervenes. Jephthah agrees and she and her women companions go and weep for her virginity on the mountains.
The most plain reading of the text is that Jephthah did indeed sacrifice his daughter as a burnt offering to the Lord. 1st from judges 1137-38 where we read that she bewailed not her death which had been the chief cause of lamentation if that had been vowed but her virginity. After two months he did to her as he had vowed Judges 1139. In Judges 11 Jephthah vows to give whatever comes out of the door of his house as a burnt offering.
2d from this verse where after the sacred writer had said that he. Viewed 3k times 20 5. The inhuman sacrifice of Jephthahs daughter qualifies Judges 11 to use Phyllis Tribles phrase as a text of terror 2 Trible is not alone in being troubled by this text. Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter.
Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter. But this argument is unnecessary if Jephthahs vow was made publicly.
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